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On the announcement of the Government of social democratic coalition in Spain of the recognition of the State of Palestine since next May 28th, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) exprecese unilateral del fuegosses the following:

1. This announcement is a victory of the solidarity movement with Palestine and the strength of youth camps. The state of mobilization they have created has forced the government to make this gesture, with which the government, and particularly the PSOE, seeks nothing but absorbing and instrumentalizing the solidarity with Palestine for their sake.
2. This recognition is a measure taken within the framework of the policies of gestures of the Spanish government the working class in Spain is used to, just like every other measure within the sphere of bourgeois diplomacy. It does not mean any transformation of the material foundations sustaining, in this case, the Palestinian genocide caused by the Zionist State of Israel.
3. The social democratic Government of Spain is increasing the display of its policies of gestures (the “diplomatic crisis” with Argentina is another example of it) because of the current electoral context.
4. The announced recognition of the State of Palestine is not enough, as it does not come along with the unilateral termination of the political and trade relations with Israel, the end of armament sales to that country, as well as the use of Spanish land for arms trading missions for Israel.
5. The recognition of the State of Palestine proposed by the Government is an incomplete recognition. The PCTE clearly advocates for the creation of an independent, united Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, the 1967 borders and the people as the owner of their own land.
6. This recognition does not change the fact that the social democratic Government in Spain is clear about its side in this accumulated tension — the breeding ground of a generalized imperialist war. This side is not the workers’ nor the peoples’ one, but rather the support by all means of the interests of Spanish and European monopolies.
7. We call on the working class and the popular strata in Spain to not let themselves be deceived by the exercise of solidarity cosmetics announced by the Government, and also to organize themselves in the struggle for proletarian internationalism, a true weapon of solidarity between the peoples, as the students at universities are proving all over the country in the last weeks.

Madrid, 27 May 2024

Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the PCTE