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April 4th will mark 75 years since the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The so-called Atlantic Alliance, which Spain belongs to since 1982, is an imperialist alliance whose goal is to militarily defend and promote all over the world the interests of the big capitalists from its member countries.

In order to achieve its goals, NATO and its members have caused armed conflicts, putsches, and processes of destabilization in all the regions of the globe.

The membership of Spain to NATO —the responsibility of which lays in the main parliamentary political forces as well as all those forces that participate or support the Governments that are maintaining our presence in such terrorist organization— means an evident danger for the population in our country. The Spanish territory is used by NATO to prepare and execute aggressions against other peoples. Spanish troops are actively participating in the imperialist missions of the Alliance in various places in the world. The Spanish Governments are embracing the agenda of this imperialist organization and aim to gain positions within it, allocating increasingly more resources and committing themselves increasingly more with its activities. This was verified in the Summit organized in Madrid by the Pedro Sánchez Government in July 2022.

The 75th anniversary of NATO is taking place in a moment of militarist and warmongering escalation, when the Alliance is increasing its activity against other powers. This is multiplying the risk of armed conflicts for the control of strategic resources, markets, and transport routes for commodities.

NATO, as the armed wing of a section of world capitalists, is leading us to a generalized clash against the representatives of other sections of capitalists. In this conflict, workers will turn into cannon fodder once again, unless we act decisively against the imperialist war and those willing to use it as a means to ensure their interests.

The workers and the peoples have nothing to win from the clashes between capitalists. Acting decisively means organizing ourselves, first, against the imperialist alliances our country belongs to. Remaining in NATO means walking towards disaster and clash with other peoples.

Because of all of this, we are calling on the mobilization on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO. The PCTE is calling several actions of protest in different locations on April 6th at 12 p.m. and will join other mobilizations that might be called in this date, under the prospect of recovering a sustained and stable mobilization for the exit of Spain from NATO, the end of every foreign military presence in our country, and the return of the troops deployed abroad in imperialist missions.

No land, no sea, no air for imperialists!

No to NATO, no to imperialist war!

Political Bureau of the PCTE

March 2024