Once the provisional results of the European Elections held on June 9th are known, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain declares the following:
1) The general results at the European level and the particular ones in our country are giving a similar picture. On one side, there is a clear majority of what we call the Europeanist consensus. Although they express different options for capitalist management, all the political forces agreeing with the support to the European Union and the economic and military strategic plans being carried out within it belong to such consensus.
2) On the other side, the increase of more reactionary positions in most of the EU countries is also clearly expressed. With different levels of attachment and connection to the EU project, the solutions they are proposing are based on nationalist, chauvinistic and history-revisionist stances, really focused on migratory issues. They represent the capitalist sections that have been less favored by the process of creation and development of the European Union.
3) All over Europe, except in Greece, the revolutionary and class-oriented positions, which are far from both the capitalist pole promoting the development of the EU and the capitalist pole proposing a bigger role for the States, are to be found in a weak situation. This just causes more harm to our class.
4) In Spain, the most significant element is the five million votes that went to abstention. This comes from an accumulation of factors, among which —but not exclusively— is the weariness with the political situation of the country, which is not translated into the support of revolutionary positions. In a context of strong mobilization of the most anti-workers sections, this has been translated into a general rise in electoral support for the reactionary forces, which have been basing their action on migratory issues for a long time.
5) In this context, while the PSOE and the peripheral nationalist forces have relatively withstood, with similar results to 2019, the forces of the new social democracy —which participated separately— have been the most affected ones. The first result of it was Yolanda Díaz’s resignation from all her responsibilities within SUMAR. A new period is now open, in which the articulation of the so-called “space to the left of the PSOE” will devote itself to look for new formulas in order to try to ensure their political survival, exclusively based on the institutional representation.
6) The results of the PCTE are the expression of the general political situation, in which we have still ahead huge tasks in the building, growth, and intervention among our class, which is reflected in the people’s support through voting. The fact that the growing abstention is also affecting us is a symptom and a reflection that the dissatisfaction and the disaffection towards the bourgeois politics is not finding yet a space of political framing in the revolutionary way. This is evidenced in the 4,000 votes difference compared to the 2019 as well as the 3,000 votes difference compared to the 2023 General Elections.
7) We do not measure our electoral work exclusively on the reinforcement of the Party through votes. The campaign has been a framework for political work for the PCTE, and it has served to increase the presence of the communist political proposal among our class. The PCTE is reinforced in its militant growth, enlargement of contacts, and organizational extension, as well as its development in the agitation and communicative policy of the party. All these elements will improve in the near future our general political work.
The period coming now, with the continuation of the warmongering, imperialist, and anti-workers politics of the EU apart from the growing influence of the most reactionary positions among the population, will be a difficult period for the working-class and popular majority in our country. Our commitment and political proposal is invariably the same besides the electoral processes and how the correlation of forces is expressed in class struggle. The PCTE advocates for the working class to recover the political prominence lost, to make its interests and needs valuable again, and to walk again its own path — a path of struggle and international solidarity.
A political proposal shared with our comrades in the European Communist Action. A proposal opposed to the shadow of “austerity” that is darkening Europe again, aiming at burdening on the shoulders of the working class the need of saving of the European capitalist States. A proposal exposing the cynicism and the danger carried by the mantra of ecological transition — capitalism is incompatible with a decisive support of environmental care and protection, the “green” veil serves capitalism only for promoting new profitability niches (just like the so-called “digital transition”) and equating responsibilities. A proposal supporting unity, based on the coincidence of interests of all the workers regardless of what their origins are. A proposal firmly opposed to the imperialist war, when the military expenses are beating records and the EU is getting prepared for new conflicts after becoming an accomplice and active part of the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Palestine. A proposal of struggle against the new paradigm of employment, against the promotion of flexicurity and work at demand, which intends to make of us a labor force fully subdued to the needs of employers.
The PCTE will keep on —shoulder to shoulder with the ensemble of our class— struggling against the capitalists and against the current managers and the applicants to the management of their interests, with the goal of recovering the social force and the ideological, organizational, and political independence of the working class.
Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the PCTE
Madrid, June 12th, 2024